The "fest" tent. HUGE!
Our marketing team did a wonderful job of decorating the venue!
The stage always had someone playing on it. We even had some authentic from Germany yodelers!
We have a great wood working maintenance team and they made these years ago and we keep using them and have added more houses through out the years.
We had lots of options for seating.
Time for me to get to work. I was the handicap shuttle driver for about 4 hours on friday night.
Then they gave me a walkie and I was totally "in charge".
This is the day we decided to take our family to enjoy the festivities. When we left the house it was just barely sprinkling. It was full on pouring when we arrived at the venue. My feet were soaked by the time we got home!!
Tim stayed inside the fest tent most of the time we were there, holding down our seats and listening to the music.
This was inside the Uchee Creek activity center. The children's area
was set up inside. Everything that is inside here and just outside was
FREE! Games, arts and crafts, petting zoo, "pumpkin patch", they even had a
candy apple making station.
Cale coloring a bag provided by the Library.
Games, face painting, wacky hair station, arts and crafts, and temporary tattoos are shown here.
Cute picture opportunity.
Outside we had a "pumpkin patch", corn maze, carnival games and petting zoo.
More seating and food vendors.
Cale wearing a cute hat from one of the vendors.
Even though it had rained earlier it was still packed!!
Because there is no A/C in Tim's retirement present he didn't get to drive it a lot this summer. So he wanted to break it out of the garage Saturday.
Kennedie enjoying the ride.
Not many pictures this day because I was tasked to be a beer server. This was my first time serving Alcohol and I actually enjoyed it!
As we were taking down all the displays I decided to take one last picture!!
If you are ever in the Fort Benning area this is a great festival to visit!!
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