I just don't know how I am the mother of a 15 year old!!! Where has the time gone?
My kids get a party every other year. They know on party years they don't get as many presents.
Because she had alot of people that normally come (I mean our Ohana alone is 10 kids! Then we have to add in her team at dance which is 13 kids - but I knew being the only day this month we didn't have dance on a saturday most of the team would have already had plans - which was true...)
So we choose bowling since that seemed the most cost effective.
Her with her friend that doesn't go to her school anymore. They are so cute together!
She didn't know HOW the heck she got a spare!
Opening presents.
She really loves those oreo candy bars!
Her friend got her a really nice bracelet and earring set!
Can't go wrong with art supplies!
The theme was mason jars - but really the only part of the theme was on her invitations and the goody bags! But since we didn't really have decorations we spent a little more on the goody bags and put the good candy in it. All of her favorites!
On her actual birthday yesterday!! We just got this new pair of LuLaRoe's and she was excited to wear cup cake leggings to school!
These glasses! She's had them since she was 7. She used to wear them to school. Now she just wears them for a picture and leaves them at home.

I have an album on Facebook of every Jan 28th and her in her birthday hat for that year. My husband asked how long I was going to keep making the birthday hats for the kids and I told him - "originally I planned to stop at 18, but I can't totally see me keeping it going longer!!"
Her OWN rain jacket. Now she can stop stealing mine!
Can't go wrong with chocolate!
She found a pair of glasses in her room and we have no idea who they belonged to. But they are mens sunglasses. She's been wearing them because she feels "cool" in them. SO I made sure to get her a pair of her own girl sunglasses! :) her face. Kills me. She knew EXACTLY why I got her them. To replace the ones I didn't like! :p
This is the only gift she actually asked for. She was no help in the present department this year.
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