I have been eyeing them for a while, listening to everyone rave about it. I finally was able to find one on Amazon for $40. It's a Bella brand. YA'LL LIFE CHANGING!!!
My husband didn't see all the hype at first but the other day (about a month of owning it) he said "I totally DIG that air fryer!"
Look at this beauty! I won't lie it intimidated me a little. I pinned a bunch of stuff on Pinterest about it and then jumped right in!
This is the first thing I made. I get these at Sam's club. They come out crispy and tender on the inside. These are my husbands favorite thing to cook in the Air Fryer. What I love about the Air Fryer is that Kennedie is able to make typically cooked in the oven food for her and her brother when I'm not home. She is afraid to take anything out of the oven. She will put it in just fine but scared to death to take it out!
I tried vegetables in it, and put a brown sugar glaze on them. DELICIOUS!
These went in frozen and and 10 minutes later they are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside!!!

I tried steak one night. Look how BEAUTIFUL those cuts are!! It was so juicy!!!
Frozen hamburgers that I cooked one morning before work.
This is where I got ambitious and not intimidated by it anymore. I made breakfast egg rolls. Look below at how crispy they are after cooked. They are not fried in a ton of oil but taste and crunch like they were!!! I made a bunch of these and then threw them in a ziploc back in the freezer and we just grabbed and went in the morning!
Pot stickers are also another favorite in my house. These went in frozen straight from the freezer and 14 minutes later they are nice and crispy.
AND LOOK WHAT ELSE I PICKED UP THIS WEEK!!! I went into CVS for medicine for my husband and walked by a 75% off table. On my way back to the register I looked a little more closely as I was waiting. Saw this instant pot sitting on the floor next to the table. I picked it up thinking, "Surely this is in the wrong place" but I scanned it anyway. Scanned at $19.99!!!!!! SHUT UP!!
When I was at Sam's club days later, I saw they had the same brand as the one I got, selling for $60.00, regularly $79.99. I'm glad I didn't pull the trigger a month ago on Amazon!
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