We had our 3rd competition of the season this last weekend! We traveled to Montgomery Alabama for it!
Because we were going into the central timezone we didn't need to leave super early in the morning. We actually left an hour earlier than I expected. My body woke me up and I just decided to get stuff ready. Kennedie must have heard me moving around in the house because she came out of her room at 6ish and started making her breakfast. At 630 I said "I'm done...Are you ready to go?" and off we went!
My friend pre-ordered lunch for me earlier that week for saturdays competition, so I owed her a coffee from Dunkin. Somewhere between getting my breakfast at Waffle House and the drive through of Dunkin I lost one of my rubber rings. You can see how loose they already were. Time to order a new set that won't fall off until I can send off my ACTUAL wedding ring to be resized.
I'm in a competitive dance mom facebook group. One of the biggest "pet peeves" of alot of those women is people saving seats, and then on the flip side - people that do save their seats expect you to NOT move their things to fit your won agenda (which is the side of the camp I'm and most of my dance mom friends at our studio are on). I get there EARLY in the morning and sit in the auditorium most of the day (only to leave to use the restroom, help Kennedie change a costume - or grab some food). So I took this picture and sent it to my dance mom group with "feeling cute, saved some seats, might expect you not to touch it later...idk"
We were at the Montgomery Performing Arts Center.
I had Kennedie bring in my breakfast as my hands were fill with other stuff. When she put it down it was upside down and everything mashed together.
Our Primo seating. I always try and sit somewhere Kennedie can stretch out and not be in other peoples way. She likes to draw and watch you tube videos and get comfortable for her LONG day. This weekend she didn't dance until 7pm on both days.
We get their early so she can support her team. Cheering on dances she isn't in and sitting on the stage for awards that she isn't receiving to show our presence as a team.
She finally was able to get into costume. She had Hip Hop and then one number later her production Miss America piece. Awards was right after our Miss America dance. Once that happened we got to leave for the day. We were about 10 minutes from our hotel.
This small space we had to share with another studio. I think they were a small studio and kinda stayed to themselves by the mirror behind me. We have 50 girls on our team, this is our bags all set up. I think some bags already vacated the area during awards when no one was in the area, which is smart.
Since we were in the central timezone (we live RIGHT on the central/eastern timezone border) our bodies at 530 thought it was 630 in the morning. We got stuff ready in the room and packed up. I did my hair and makeup (which usually doesn't happen until later in the dance morning usually because we have to get there by 7!) and we decided to go to the Walmart I found on our way to the hotel. Kennedie wanted a book-light for drawing. We knew a good size storm was coming in and the thunder woke me up earlier that morning.
On our way into Walmart.
I made these SO CUTE earrings to wear Sunday. I lost one in Walmart. Had to put back in my normal everyday earrings.
I found a restaurant near called "First Watch" we have one in Columbus but we have never ventured in. We are TOTALLY going now. It was delicious.
My water came in a milk bottle. I think they tote they are a farm to table - so this was pretty cool. I cracked up when they brought the glass though.
While on the more expensive side at $10.50 for her breakfast. They delivered delicious food. On top of that we got FOUR pieces of bacon, artisan bread with the nuts, grains and seeds. The potatoes were delicious as well!
Nothing left to explore so we headed to the venue. Got our same seats, set her bag up in the dressing room and got set up in the auditorium for the long haul.
Picture in front of the prop trailer.
I've been listening to audio-books lately. During competitions I can't read very easily because the music is distracting. I prefer audio-books and then browsing Facebook or Pinterest while I listen. This book has 9 sections. I was able to listen to 6 of them just Sunday alone.
Couple hours later the sun came out. (while the storm we had that morning transitioned to our house) While it was nice and warm for the earlier afternoon by 5 the sun went away and then temp dropped and the wind really picked up.
Kennedie and her teammate playing the switch.
Finally able to get ready for her last dance!
During a judges break her team came out to work on turns and get used to the floor again.
When there is a dance on the stage this is what I should see when I come back from anywhere. People being courteous while there are dances on stage and while parents are watching in the audience. I can't tell you how many times someone has moved into their seat WELL into the performance and BLOCKED my view of my kid. I get 2-3 minutes to see her on stage and you BLOCKED ME. Please if you are ever in the audience and it's NOT an emergency - please wait till the dancers exit the stage.
Echo Company praying before they competed their last dance of the day!
This is how dance moms are Monday at work. We didn't get to leave Montgomery until 930 Sunday and it's an hour and a half drive home AND back into the Eastern Time Zone. Walked in the house at 1230!!!
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